Spyponders Google Apps
pyponders is the name of the suite of Google Apps for Education available to the Arlington Public Schools students.
Activating the Spyponders Accounts:
Students who have AUPs on file are issued Google apps accounts using the format of first initial, last name, year-of-graduation all lower case @ spyponders.com.
For example freshman Frank Smyte would be [email protected].
Students will need to logon and activate their accounts.
Students can logon to their accounts in one of two ways:
Using the Spyponders.com link at the top of this page (using only their username, without the @spyponders.com, for ex. fsmyte2015)
Using a gmail logon screen. (using their full username with the @spyponders.com, for example [email protected])
The most common mistake for students is to forget to include the year of graduation in their username, or forget to use the plural spyponders)
Rules and Requirements:
The Arlington Public Schools provide Google Apps for Education accounts to our students at Spyponders.com and students are encouraged to use only these accounts for their school work. Students are reminded that if they choose to use other personal electronic accounts while at school they provide the school the right to review those accounts.
To use the Arlington Public School computers and to receive a Spyponders.com account students and their parents / guardians must agree to:
You can sign the RUP on the student grade portal.
If any help is needed in this process, please contact Ms. Bradley at [email protected]